Along with a monetary award the girl got an opportunity to represent young scientists of Europe at the Nobel Prize award ceremony.
Research by Polina Ledkova, a 18-year-old student of the Petrozavodsk State University from the Krasnoye Settlement of the Nenets Autonomous Area (NAA) took the second place at the European Union Contest for Young Scientists that came to an end in Milan this week. She became the only winner from Russia, the press service of the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Area reported to TASS.
The research work is dedicated to recultivation of the tundra.
"The main task of my scientific activity is to influence the ecological awareness of the population and promote preservation of fragile northern landscapes", - the press service quoted Polina Ledkova. "In my paper I reveal features of the broken landscapes of the Nenets Autonomous Area and give recommendations on recultivation. I hope, these recommendations will be widely used by local population in the future", - the winner explained.
According to the press service, besides a monetary award the Russian student got an opportunity to represent young scientists of Europe at the Nobel Prize award ceremony, where Polina Ledkova will deliver the report.
Polina Ledkova grew up in the Krasnoye Settlement. An A-grade pupil, she entered the Petrozavodsk State University this summer. She majors in teaching chemistry and biology. Upon graduation Polina is going to return to her native land and work as a teacher and at the same time continue research.
Igor Koshin, the governor of the Nenets Autonomous Area congratulated Polina Ledkova, her parents and teachers on the victory and promised to support research activities of the young scientist.
"One of our major tasks in education is that children like Polina come back to the Nenets Autonomous Area after graduating from higher education institutions of big cities. It is difficult for Naryan-Mar to compete with megalopolises; young specialists need additional motivation and we are working on it", - the head of the region noted.
Author: Vera Ivanova