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Second Expedition of Arctic Floating University
August 10, 2014 21:27


The second expedition of “Arctic Floating University” started from Arkhangelsk in August. It is an innovative educational project where young researchers of the Arctic get the knowledge and skills in the real-world conditions of the northern seas.

During the time of the project the “floating university” will be presented by scientific vessel of Northern Roshydromet “Professor Molchanov” - the only ship in Europe combining the unique laboratory for scientific research and the practical basis for training of specialists and researchers

The first expedition of “Arctic Floating University” in 2014 has taken place from June 1 to 30. The second one started on August 1 and will be held under the auspices of the Arctic Council. The expedition will be attended by the students from Sweden, Denmark, France and Canada. The route of the expedition has been laid along the Northern Sea Route: the research vessel will start from Arkhangelsk, then head to the island of Kolguev and further to Vaygach Island, the Yamal Peninsula, Bely Island of White and reach the extreme northern point of mainland Eurasia – the Chelyuskin Cape.

The scheduled date of return to Arkhangelsk is August 21. The research activities will be carried out by the group of 55 people - 24 researchers, 26 students, 5 graduate students. The scientific leader of the expedition is Konstantin Zaykov, the Director of the Arctic Centre of Strategic Research of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University.

Special attention during the voyage will be paid to such scientific fields as meteorology, biology and geomorphology. The researchers will also conduct a complex test of the system of ice monitoring and ice pilotage. A range of social and humanitarian disciplines related to the Arctic will also be subject to extensive study. The project “Arctic Floating University” is supported by the Russian Geographical Society and won grants of this NGO many times.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Arctic Floating University Russian science    

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