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In the future, it may give basis for a superpowerful engine, capable of providing flights to the nearest planets.
The system developed on the ground of the domestic element basis can be used both in space and on Earth.
Three weeks after surgery, the patient can already distinguish light sources and primitive objects.
Why a robot chess player defeats a human opponent on the board, but loses him/her in intelligence.
Anatoly Granov invented a method of treating liver cancer through blood vessels, by using the property of a tumor to generate new blood vessels for its own blood supply. |
Currently, Rosatom is conducting examination of the finalized design of the BN-1200 Reactor.
Scientists of the Samara State Technical University are developing a robot that will make building materials on the Moon.
If implemented, this technology can make a real revolution in geological exploration. |
Renaturation of enzyme mixtures is a unique process, which no one has ever done before. This will simplify production and reduce the cost of drugs for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, scientists say.
The neural network analyzes information on a patient’s anamnesis vitae, pulse, blood pressure, and even relatives’ diseases - 69 indicators altogether.
Scientists of the South Ural State University (SUSU) intend to create an artificial neural network, the so-called artificial brain, which can be used by HR services of large corporations.
Studies have shown that terpenoids contained in abies sibirica activate genes responsible for regeneration of tissues and fighting tumors.
According to scientists, the use of conductive DNA molecules makes it possible to create a new generation of electronic circuits and electric devices.
Fuel can be obtained from uranium dioxide powder even, which is unsuitable for the conventional technology.
A system for monitoring the ecological condition in the areas of coal mining has been presented in Russia. The system is based on satellite imagery.
Robot FEDOR, engineered by the Advanced Studies Foundation for the Russian Emergency Ministry, has passed the final test series at the obstacle course.
With the weight of 70 mg only, the robot can stand a 20 times bigger pressure and move a 5 times heavier load.
Scientists from St. Petersburg have made calculations for the "unstick mode", which will increase the wear resistance of the fusion reactor.
According to scientists, this method will bring about overall body rejuvenation and improve health condition.
The mechanism has been designed for enhancing human physical abilities in several spheres from medical to military.
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