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American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are unique insects. First, they are primal insects on our planet. Second, these big (up to 4 cm length) red creatures are the fastest runners among all terricole insects. These whiskered runners turned out to be the only ones to synthesize beta-carotene in their organism.

The nature desperately fights the press of civilization. However self-regeneration works until the damaging effect becomes extremely high. Self-purification of river and lake water is performed by its inhabitants – plants, animals and microorganisms. They can’t cope with all contaminating agents.

Most mammals have poor eyesight. But they supply this drawback with other sensory organs, mainly with sense of smell. The scientists believe grey rats can be used for identifying people according their smell like working dogs do.

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident is the largest technogenic catastrophe in the history of mankind. The scientists still argue about the effect of weak ionizing radiation on Chernobyl disaster liquidators’ health.

When romantic men and lovebirds look at the Moon, they hardly think of what is it. But the scientists still think it’s full of mysteries. What is the Moon, where did it come from? Did it appear from the same primary stardust cloud as the Earth did? Or may be it had been torn from our planet long ago? Or may be it had arrived from another galaxy?

When one leaves Earth’s magnetic field – natural protection – he becomes exposed to x-radiation – the flow of heavy charged particles. The eye traces the impact of such particle as a flash of light. X-radiation can cause irreversible damage of visual pigment, photosensitive and nerve retinal cells, which leads to eyesight loss.

Russian people during conversation rely mainly on their ears, while the English trust their eyesight. One philologist made such a conclusion after comparing some verbs of speech perception popular in both languages.

Nowadays turning sick due to nerves’ malfunction is not worth a whistle. One can find ulcer, for example, which is almost impossible to cure. The question is what should be cured. Ulcer treating is useless until the patient stops being nervous, and there’s no point of treating nerves, when the stomach is ailing.

We usually express out feelings and thoughts verbally. But no one ignores the face of a person he's talking to - emotional contact is of no less importance than information transfer. But every one has its own ability to read emotions on the faces.

Why Mars is of science’s main interest despite numerous space objects that can be studied as well? Famous Russian scientists think that by spending billions for Mars exploration earthlings invest their children safety rather than numerous science projects, because in case of a global catastrophe humanity needs an extra planet.

Earth is revolving round its axis irregularly. Neighbouring celestial bodies, the Sun and The Moon, first of all, influence its movement. It results in periodic behaviour of events, including earthquakes, occurring on our planet. Annual changes in atmosphere and ocean appear to be among numerous reasons, able to cause an earthquake.

One can hardly avoid chemotherapy while treating cancer. Modern medicine has wide range of antitumor drugs, but unfortunately they kill both cancer and ordinary cells. Health professionals are searching for an agent killing tumor cells only, but still their efforts are fruitless.

Twisters can appear in the ocean as well as in the atmosphere. Atmospheric twisters have short lifetime; they move at enormous speeds and are often very destructive. Underwater twisters are calmer, they can be detected only by means of special devices, but they slowly mix ocean waters and influence climate at a global scale.

Every year, from March till October, encephalitis virus transferred by mites rages in the taiga regions of Russia. The scientists have developed a cheap portable sensor for detecting the virus in patient’s blood.

It was May 1983 when first reports about new pathogenic agent, causing severe distress of human immune system, appeared in press. HIV studies promoted discoveries in virology, immunology, epidemiology and molecular biology. Still we do not have a medicine able to cure the patient completely.

What was Earth's climate like millions years ago? The scientists are now desperate to get the answer in the context of current global warming.

Sorghum is a very important food, feed and industrial crop, because it contains significant amounts of starch, proteins, fats and sugars. The problem is that large fields are scattered with seeds of one species, i.e. with plants of similar genetics.

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