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Mercury is a difficult object for any kind of observations, since it can be seen only near horizon - either at dawn (in autumn), or at dusk (in spring). That is why this planet remains one of the most poorly studied objects of the Solar system

Moscow think-tank has developed a unique system for accounting, control and access of cars at parking places. New development won’t take the duty off a parking attendant, however, it will make his life much more easier.

Quite recently structures, made of carbon atoms and looking like long hollow tubes with several nanometers in diameter and tens of microns long, were as exotic as pineapples in the Antarctic. Today growing carbon nanotubes is the task for student laboratory workshops.

Discussions of International conference “Fullerenes and Atomic Clusters” (IWFAC'2007) have united world leading scientists in Saint Petersburg, where the meeting was held for the eighth time

Russian scientists are currently developing a new agent for remediation of soils, polluted with oil and petroleum refinery products. The agent is based upon a complex of some special microorganisms – oil destructing microbes.

During the international congress “Biotechnology: state-of-the-art and future perspectives”, which took place in Moscow several weeks ago, Russian innovation has hit the headlines. A PhD student of the Institute of General Genetics had a poster presentation describing a revolutionary development – nanoscope, a fluorescent microscope having incredibly high resolution.

Why does medicine need nanotechnologies? Since cells and sometimes macromolecules are the main object for modern drugs and treating agents, said “instruments” should have appropriate size fitting the object – nanometers in diameter.

A theory suggests a giant meteorite falling on Earth 65 million years ago and killing all dinosaurs. Russian scientists have found traces of this meteorite.

Food, enriched with heavy isotopes of carbon and hydrogen, extends life by promoting synthesis of biological structures with high resistance to ageing processes. The hypothesis proved to be true in experiments on worms, however, authors hope further studies would help making human life longer and lowering risks of cancer and other diseases, threatening old people.

Highly effective and portable development of Russian scientists helps to measure antioxidant activity of blood and other biological fluids or drinks, tea, juice or wine, for example, and bioactive additions.

Research fellows from Phthisiopulmonology science-and-research institute of Moscow Sechenov Medical Academy and “Syntol” research and development company have performed monitoring of medical resistance to tuberculosis in 25 Russian regions using real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technology.

Russian think-tank from research-and-development institute “GosNIIGenetika” has developed very fast and accurate technique for controlling quality of dairy products, which is based on most reliable and common methods of molecular biology – molecular typing and PCR (polymerase chain reaction) analysis.

Cell transplantation can become much more effective, when cells are placed on a carrier –this is the reason why Russian scientists are searching for an ideal material to build such carriers. Scientists from Tomsk and Moscow consider porous titanium to be a promising material for cell therapy.

Russian scientists have come out with a semiconducting material with thermal conductivity two times lower than any known analogue has. The material is a successful intermediate on the way to thermoelectric refrigeration, in other words, to safe noiseless refrigerators, which require no cooling agents.

Russian scientists plan to finish development of a brand new transfer and cargo orbit stage “Frigate-SB” till end of this year.

Entomologists from Russia and Germany have crossbred two closely related species of grasshoppers and received hybrids, whose songs are much more complicated and diverse than songs of both parent species.

Russian archeologists together with their colleagues from the USA, Great Britain and Italy claim that the age of Eastern Europe’s most ancient human settlements (complex of sites is named Kostenki and is located on the shores of River Don) is 42-45 thousand years.

Twenty kilometers – this is the length of the fence surrounding “Pleistocene Park” located in the north of Yakutia – part of Russian Federation.

Recent studies of scientists from the Institute of Volcanic Geology and Geochemistry (Far Eastern branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) have resulted in another potentially active volcano appearing on the map of the peninsula.

Geneticists from the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University and the University of Massachusetts have found the gene, responsible for human hair growth atrophy. The research, performed in republics of Chuvashia and Mariy-El, may be a possible key to the urgent problem of hair loss.

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