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Scientists from Russian city of Voronezh have developed so-called “electronic nose” – a device, which can distinguish natural ingredients (fruits and berries) from artificial flavours in dairy products by smell. |
Russian scientists develop effective sorbing agents on the basis of fungal chitin. |
Excited physicists are expecting first time travelers to appear on the Earth this year. |
Oil tends to reappear in old oil pools and empty wells. Russian experts suggest an explanation for his interesting phenomenon. |
Russian and Belarusian scientists have finished a programme, resulting in two transgenic goats, each cell of which carries lactoferrin-coding gene (lactoferrin is a human milk protein). Several years separate scientific think-tank from a horde of transgenic goats, which milk would be a base for biologically safe and highly effective pharmaceuticals of new generation. |
Russian scientists suggest a unique technology for making high-quality synthetic opals. As 3D structures these opals can make our women ever more beautiful, and as films are perfect as base for photonic crystals. Synthetic opal matrixes have pre-determined nanostructure, being ideal materials for optoelectronics, magnetic recording systems and other fields of science and technology. |
Many experts have no doubt bird flu pandemics definitely would happen in future. That is why additional research is necessary to understand mechanisms of bird viruses infecting human beings and risks of pandemics. |
More and more “in vitro” children appear every year – in developed countries such children share about 1-3% of all newborns. Are assisted reproductive technologies (ART) safe? |
Russian scientists are working on a small, though very effective, portable gas analyzer. This device works similarly to a well-trained dog’s nose, but with a very important distinction – in addition to detection of hazardous substances in the air, the device will determine their amount and chemical structure. |
Scientists from Russia, the United State and Germany told the world in their paper in Nature that supernovas can explode several times. |
People, who cannot stand whole milk, now have an effective solution for this common problem. A new pharmaceutical for animals and human beings is developed in Russian science and research centre “Drugs and Biotechnology”. |
Russian think-tank has developed a technology for preserving snow cover on race and mountain skiing tracks, even when air temperature exceeds ice melting point. Their technical solution, based upon inclined heat pipes of special design, is called refrigeration system. |
Russian researchers have recently reported the results of their brave experiment – sending living organisms to space aboard “Photon-M3” spaceship. |
Russian geologists have found traces of a catastrophic flood in the Southern Transbaikalia and reported their finding to the “Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences”. |
Russian scientist claims global warming can be just a temporary inconvenience, since climatic changes show their natural fluctuating patterns and depend on our Sun’s activity level. |
Next year Russian Institute of Medical and Biological Problems hosts a unique international experiment – a simulation of manned flight to Mars lasting for 520 days. |
Russian physicists have developed new composite material on the basis of latex and carbon nano-fibre, which is able to absorb microwave radiation and conduct electric current unlike other latex coatings. |
We all know that dairy products are results of joint efforts of cows, which give milk, and bacteria, which make this milk sour via fermentation. Thus, we shouldn’t be surprised, when we find out that selectionists work not only with cows, but also with bacteria. Mentioned work is funded by the Russian foundation for Basic Research, and results of the investigation are published in the Biotechnology magazine. |
What is the best way to store hydrogen – this question still bothers minds of those scientists, who deal with hydrogen as one of alternative energy sources. Scientists from Saint Petersburg have tested various substances for their ability to absorb hydrogen, however, best result was detected for a composite material, consisting of fulleren-containing soot and magnesium hydride. |
Before any malignant tumor and its metastases start growing in brain, blood plasma of cancer patients becomes saturated with nitrogen oxide derivatives. Research fellows from Rostov-on-Don science and research cancer centre suggest using such parameter, as concentration of nitrogen oxide derivatives in blood plasma, for making predictions about further development of dangerous disease. |
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