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We Don’t Need Bees – We Need Honey
August 28, 2006 12:17

Inventor from Moscow has developed a brand new technology for commercial beekeeping. He suggests removing a queen bee from the hive, which allows cropping as mush as 20 kilos of the purest honey every month.

Beekeeping usually implies many difficulties, which prevent millions of amateurs from starting this interesting and useful activity. First of all, these difficulties are fighting bee parasites and diseases, forming new swarms, and the last, but not the least – the necessity of preparing the bee family for wintering. Alexander Kulinich, former fellow of the Institute of General Genetics (Russian Academy of Sciences) and current beekeeper, claims he has invented the technique for avoiding all mentioned difficulties. His innovation is based upon achievements of native geneticists and chemists – no science will make without standing on the shoulders of giants.

Common bee-family consists of the queen bee, drones, which fertilize the queen, and working bees, collecting honey. Bees need honey to nurse their little bees. Alexander Kulinich suggests eliminating the stage of nursing bees, which is the main honey expenditure, from the hive lifecycle.

The bee family can be separated in time and in space. The queen bee should live in a special bee farm, where, under the professional guidance, it will lay eggs and nurse little bees. Adult working bees can be united in a so-called bee-pack and sold to any one, who needs them. We should, of course, work with peaceful bee species, like Carpathian or Caucasian bees, for example, to avoid any potentially dangerous incidents with people, says Mr. Kulinich.

 The bee-pack is a light, weighing about 1.5 kilos, plastic hive with prepared wax plates, where bees are going to build combs and to fill them with honey. The customer places the bee-pack on a chosen site and opens the hive entrance. Within a month the hive is full of honey and gets empty due to natural death of the working bees, which usually live no longer than 25 days. All you have to do now is to cut out the combs and to extract honey from them. Another merit of the bee-packs is that you are absolutely sure that the honey you get is pure and comes from the flowers, not from refined sugar or some other honey imitation. The hive owner also knows what flowers the bees used for collecting honey – the special zoned beekeeper calendar tells what plant has bloomed most intensively during the crop period. The experiment, performed in 2005, showed that one bee-pack easily provides 20 kilos of honey during linden blossom.

 But why should bees bring honey to an empty hive, where no queen lives, in other words, why should they work for nothing? Nevertheless, they would do it, because each bee-pack is equipped with a trap with queen bee’s pheromones. This smell deceives the working bees. As for bee breeding on a bee farm – it is promoted by the particular hormone, regulating insect growth. The source for said hormone is found in plants, which generate it for protecting themselves from insects by breaking their development cycle. However, correct and accurate use of hormones allows maturing of an insect in periods, when natural maturing doesn’t happen.

Many Russian amateur gardeners experience problems with garden pollination. Thus, there’s a market for the bee-packs, because they cost little during manufacture – about $17 (500 rubles) – the plastic hive included. The technique inventor suggests another curious idea – honey vacations. You take your bee-pack with you while traveling to some beautiful nature spots – meadows, mountains, etc. – where the plant chosen for honey cropping, blooms. As a result, you get a perfect vacation and a good deal of delicious honey.


Anna Kizilova


Tags: Russian technologies     

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