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Students Found Treasures
August 20, 2013 17:20


Archaeological excavations on Lake Andreev ended up with unique discovery. While performing practical training students and lecturers of Tyumen State Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies have found an ancient settlement near Lake Andreev in the Tyumen Region.

Thousands of years ago the ancestors of modern Mansi people lived in that place. This settlement refers to a so-called Yudinskaya archaeological culture. There are many settlements in southern part of the Oblast dating to the same period of time. There are more than 150 archeological monuments only in Lake Andreevskoye area.

Students found the most interesting things in the depths of ancient ditch – there was a copper pot weighing about two kilograms with four silver grivnas of 200 grams each, pendants, silver beads and other jewelries. All this might be belongings of one of the richest Mansi clans. Most likely the findings date back to X-XII –th centuries.

Handicrafts made by ancient Mansi people have been preserved inside the pot – bronze belt plates with bear image and spot designs. It is possible that treasure was buried in times of Mongol invasion. Silver jewelries are very well preserved. The reason is that silver by itself neither gets damaged nor decomposes. But bronze stuff oxidized and copper pot fell apart. Scientists believe that the major part of the jewelries was made in Volga Bulgaria.

But there were also Arab coins found in the pot, which gives an idea that the treasure had been collected for several centuries. For now treasures will be kept in the Academy of Culture, Arts and Social Technologies. After careful study and scientific examination it will be displayed for the public at the Museum of Private Collections in Tyumen.  

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Tyumen Region Lake Andreev Mansi   

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