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Blood Glucose Level Can Be Measured Through Blood Pressure
April 27, 2006 12:47

Russian scientists have developed special device, which calculates blood glucose level according patient's blood pressure. This portable device has evident merits - it measures glycemia level noninvasively, i.e. without blood.

Diabetes is one of most common diseases of our times. Many people know its complications, depending on metabolic dysfunctions in patient's organism. One of the symptoms is arterial blood pressure rise. The reason is disbalance of water, salt and lipid exchange, since blood glucose level is high.

Patients have to perform permanent control of blood glucose level, using large variety of individual glucometers made by different companies. Unfortunately, all these devices need blood for correct functioning, which is not convenient and leads to infections.

Scientists from the Centre for Medical and Ecological Research (Nalchik, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria), which is a branch of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences) Institute of Medical and Biological Problems, developed an automatic device, called "Omelon", for noninvasive diagnostics of glycemia level. Its operation principle is based on correlation between hemodynamics indicators and blood glucose level. Scientists have discovered this correlation some time ago. And several years ago inventors patented their development - Russian Federation patent number 2198586 "Measuring blood glucose level".

One of the authors, Mr. Elbaev, says that the device contains an electronic automatic device - tonometer - that uses compression technique for measuring arterial pressure. Correlations between systolic (minimal) and diastolic (maximal) arterial pressure appear to be basic data for counting blood glucose concentrations according to "Glycemia Diagnostics" programme. First automatic tonometer measures said indicators on the patient's right hand, and then on his left hand. The device displays the values, and the software calculates blood glucose level. One can see the result on the display. For proper operation the device requires one battery of 4.8 V.

Scientists have already made sample unit of the "Omelon" device. This portable unit is convenient for personal use, as well as for use in clinics and hospitals.

Tags: Russian Scientists     

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