A bioreactor is a basic element in the technological process of microbiological synthesis, producing proteins, enzymes, vitamins, antibiotics and fodder yeasts. Synthesis occurs due to metabolism in reproducing cells. Bioreactor maintains appropriate life-supporting conditions for cells’ cultivation.
Bioreactor hosts cultivating liquid, where cells are being added. Oxygen and nutrition are key factors for cells’ growth. Another issue is decay products – they should be removed somehow. This can be achieved by mixing liquid in the bioreactor. At the same time cells need protection from mechanical impact and overheating.
The reactor creates so-called "tornado" over the surface of a liquid in order to mix it and a special device projects it on the liquid. This method of mixing is quite effective, because it does not harm cells, doesn’t create hydro-blows and doesn’t produce any foam. The liquid is mixed evenly inside the reactor.
The reactor can be used for producing vaccine against tick encephalitis using embryonic cells, sugar from starch and polysaccharides – side-products of oil exploration industry. Moreover, unlike other bioreactors, the device mixes even viscous liquids.
Russian and foreign experts ranked the reactor very high. The device was recognized as the most promising development in high technology. No products had such high ranks during Biotechnika-2005 exhibition in Hanover, which is considered to be one of the leading biotechnical forums in the world.