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On January 1, 2021, a law on reducing the rate of insurance premiums and income tax for IT companies came into force in Russia. At the same time, the excise tax on tobacco products increased to replenish the budget. In addition, the tax on interest on bank deposits above 1 million rubles and an increase in the personal income tax rate to 15% for citizens who earn more than 5 million rubles a year should bring additional income to the treasury. |
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia explains additional measures to regulate the legal status of foreign citizens in connection with the spread of coronavirus. |
After the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 257-FZ on November 1, 2019, the residence permit issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons in Russia has become indefinite. It means, that this document is issued without limitation of validity now. |
De-registration of a foreign citizen at the place of residence in Russia is carried out in a few cases. All of them are covered here. |
Registration of a foreign citizen at the place of residence in Russia is carried out by the migration department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the day a foreign citizen (his legal representative) submits an application for registration and necessary documents. |
The period of temporary stay of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation is determined by the period of validity of the visa issued, except for the cases provided for by the Federal Law. |
Arriving on the territory of Russia, foreigners sometimes face a large number of problems associated with registration, illegal deportation or violation of their rights, so this is where such a service as legal assistance to foreigners is so necessary. |
The legal services market is oversaturated with offers and it is difficult for foreign clients to understand who they should turn to for legal assistance and who should be avoided. |
To find a lawyer in Russia, pay attention to our recommendations and it will not be difficult to choose a good professional. |
Unlike government agencies, entrepreneurs have a limited set of sources for analyzing contractors. But in most cases, they are sufficient to prevent risks. |
It is important to check the Counterparty and choose reliable companies in order to eliminate possible risks. For legal entities, verification of the Counterparty is the main action to prevent financial and tax risks. The Federal Tax Service strongly recommends to check counterparties using all available public and legal sources of information. The easiest way to verify your Counterparty is to obtain information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the official website. |
The Bank of Russia presented four scenarios for the development of the Russian economy in 2021-2023: the baseline and three alternative ones, reflecting possible risks. The scenarios are contained in the draft Guidelines for the unified state monetary policy. |
In order to protect itself from all possible risks in the conduct of business activities and claims from the tax authorities, the company should take several steps to conduct an audit of the counterparty. Verification is usually carried out in four stages. |
In order to protect itself from all possible risks in the conduct of business activities and claims from the tax authorities, the company should take several steps to conduct an audit of the counterparty. Verification is usually carried out in four stages. |
In order to protect itself from all possible risks in the conduct of business activities and claims from the tax authorities, the company should take several steps to conduct an audit of the counterparty. Verification is usually carried out in four stages. |
World health care and pharmaceuticals were not ready for coronavirus infection. There was a shortage of doctors, hospital beds, medicines, and an understanding of how to fight the new virus successfully. The states redesigned hospitals, built new ones, involved doctors of almost any specialization and even medical students in the treatment of patients, in pharmaceuticals the race for drugs against the new virus and vaccines began. What is happening has significantly increased the interest of investors in the industry, including in Russia. |
In order to protect itself from all possible risks in the conduct of business activities and claims from the tax authorities, the company should take several steps to conduct an audit of the counterparty. Verification is usually carried out in four stages. |
There are several main groups of risks associated with cooperation with unverified counterparties.
How to Avoid Tax Sanctions and Prove Due Diligence? How not to make a bad deal? How to prevent non-execution of the order by the counterparty? There is a solution: before signing the contract, check the counterparty to confirm its business reputation, legal capacity and financial and material support. |
What banks in Russia and abroad provide the best conditions for wealthy Russians? Forbes presents a new ranking of the best banks for millionaires. |
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